For Immediate Release
August 13, 2009 Southport, NC –Cycle Dynamics chooses young gun James “the Rocket” Rispoli to pilot Bonneville Salt Flat bike.
Owner and fabricator Charlie Benton, has always wanted to go to the Bonneville Salt Flats with a bike he built from the ground up and take home a world record. Charlie, a veteran tuner relies on his experience and knowledge that dates back to the glory days of NASCAR where he operated the machine shop and designed heads for the legendary Cale Yarborough. Charlie uses the same competitive spirit when working in his own full on machine shop at his Southport race facility. In 2007 Benton built and tuned the race bikes for the Pair of Nines Moto-ST race team of Hall of Famers Gary Nixon, Jay Springsteen and Jimmy Felice. Later that year he started his own team with at that time 16 year old racing Phnom James “the Rocket” Rispoli and Kevin Schwantz racing school instructor Ted Cobb to race the Moto-ST of Daytona. On March 2, 2008 Benton ’s team of Rispoli and Cobb took home first place gold at the legendary speedway. Now Benton sets his sights on the 650 twin land speed record and feels the now 18 year old Rispoli is up for the job.
“I’m excited about what we built and the test runs prove the bike will be stable at speed,” said Benton who was concerned about safety first during the build process. Benton went on to say, “Now with the airport speed trials behind us we can concentrate on the final details of the build and preparation for the Bonneville run. I am also really happy to be working with James again. I have followed James over the last two years and he has really been showing very strong potential not only in his native Pro Flattrack racing but his debut Pro Supersport racing this year as well. His determination, grit and can do attitude is exactly what I want on the salt with me. We should have a great time and have a very good chance of coming home with the record.”
“What an unbelievable opportunity with Charlie and his Bonneville bike,” explained Rispoli. “Just look at the thing, it looks fast just sitting there,” he continued. “I have been to the salt before where I was part of a crew that brought home a stock car record. But now I’m there to actually pilot Charlie’s radical new 650 twin for a record run and that is just awesome.” In addition to the Bonneville run, the team will also run the Maxton Mile in September looking to secure the pavement record as well.
Cycle Dynamics will be on the salt August 30th – September 3rd. James will race the AMA Pro Racing Indy Mile Dirt Track Mile on August 29th and fly back September 4th to Springfield Illinois for the Legendary Springfield Mile.